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Proven Progress. Hometown Values

Strengthening our Community, 
Building for the future  
& keeping
Charlestown First. 

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Meet Treva

 I ran for Mayor because I believed it was time to restore public trust to government offices. Since elected, I've leaned on my strong sense of justice and compassion for others to guide my decisions. In my time as mayor we've welcomed development without destroying our relationships. We've taken a stand against political greed and restored accountability and respect to City Hall.  I want to keep Charlestown First in order to move us forward, and I have a record of Proven Progress that shows everyone why there's never been a better time to Choose Charlestown. 

I bring to the office of Mayor

  unwavering honesty, 
empathy, and 

for all of Charlestown's residents.

My commitment to serving Charlestown remains as strong today as it was when I announced my first candidacy. One of the ways I ensure I’m offering the best service possible is to take every opportunity available to improve my skills. After I completed my PhD at the University of Louisville, I knew I wasn’t finished learning. From wastewater utility management courses made available through the Environmental Protection Agency to my earned Certificate in Advanced City Leadership from Accelerating Indiana Municipalities, I will always approach my responsibilities as mayor with a dedication to being the most informed and educated leader I can be.

I am a Lifelong Learner 

I am an

Outdoor Adventurer &


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When I need to recharge I head outside or take an opportunity to join others in a big hands-on project. I look forward to hunting seasons in the fall and spring and love to spend time in our beautiful recreational spaces like Greenway Park. It's been a great honor in my first term to complete a Parks Master Plan and follow through on some of the goals our community helped establish such as building an accessible playground, planning enhancements to the Family Activities Center, and working toward a plan for a new Civic Complex on our newly donated 70 acre Shadow Lake Park. I also place great value on volunteering and community service. It's been my pleasure to welcome and help build Charlestown's first Habitat for Humanity home, create a Community Liaison position to help residents in crisis, to volunteer weekly with the YouthLink Lunch Buddies program at our elementary school and to participate in a variety of charity and donation drives.  

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I am a
History Maker

Sure, I'm the first woman to serve as mayor in the City of Charlestown, but my time as mayor has made history for many more reasons than that! In my first three years I obtained over $32 Million of grants and special funding, which more than doubled the total obtained in the 25 years before I became mayor. We've made new efforts to recognize and serve our veterans and active military members and their families with new programs and the designation of Charlestown as a Hidden Heroes Community. We've added and repaired historical markers and programs, kept our longstanding traditions while adding a second community festival, and announced numerous new ground breakings and ribbon cuttings.    

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I am an
Everyday Woman

We’re in this community together and the life experiences I’ve had ensure that I am a Mayor for ALL of Charlestown.

Paid for by the Friends of Treva Hodges

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